陰曆的九月初一至初九是泰國華人的" 九皇齋期", 滿街都可看到代表" 素食" 的小小黃色三角旗, 旗上印著一個大大的"齋"字, 雖然店家們不見得是炎黃子孫, 但這個中國字代表的意思就等於 " 趁這十天好好撈一筆吧!", , 他們可是明白得很哩. 我也把舊筆記的素食烤麩拿上來湊湊熱鬧.
去年遠居加拿大的 Lini 在 JoJo家看到我在嘆說曼谷買不到麵筋粉, 她就悄悄地記在心上, 不久她又悄悄地寄來給我, 收到時的驚喜心情, 真有如雀躍一般, well, an old fat sparrow. , 其後, 今春台北網聚, 她又帶了許多分贈眾狼, 真的很感謝她的貼心.
那陣子大家都在說做麵筋, Alaskan 老哥也寫了一篇 精彩無比的 麵腸 刊在 飲食男女的別墅 .當時左顧右盼只有Cool 和我有意想做烤麩, 在我已有麵筋粉在手的優勢下, 水昆海於是身先士Cool, 打先鋒撂落企, 這個烤麩的配方取自 Alaskan大補帖, 因應麵筋粉的份量而縮小比例. 為了便於討論+ 節省刻字的時間, 這食譜是以英文紀錄. 其後Cool 又因工作必須二地奔波, 事隔數月, 也不知他後來做了沒有?
麵筋粉 184g Wheat Gluten
澄粉 40g wheat starch
鹽 4g
水 343g
酵母 3g
Wheat gluten 184 g ( 1 pack)
starch 40 g ( I use corn 25 g, tapioca 15 g)
salt 4g ( I put 1 t)
water 343 g=343 ml
instant yeast 3 g = 3/4 t
starch 40 g ( I use corn 25 g, tapioca 15 g)
salt 4g ( I put 1 t)
water 343 g=343 ml
instant yeast 3 g = 3/4 t
1. sift wheat gluten, starch and salt together.
2. put warm water (not over 40'C), yeast into a big bowl.
3. add item 1 into item 2 all at once, mix well by hands, ( as I don't have the heavy duty mixer, let's just forget about that "membrane" stuff. :P)
4. put item 3 in a lightly oiled cake tin ( I use 7"), cover with plastic wrap, let it rise to 2~3 times in size. ( it took me about 2 hours)
5. peel off the plastic wrap and steam for 30 minutes.
2. put warm water (not over 40'C), yeast into a big bowl.
3. add item 1 into item 2 all at once, mix well by hands, ( as I don't have the heavy duty mixer, let's just forget about that "membrane" stuff. :P)
4. put item 3 in a lightly oiled cake tin ( I use 7"), cover with plastic wrap, let it rise to 2~3 times in size. ( it took me about 2 hours)
5. peel off the plastic wrap and steam for 30 minutes.
1. texture is pretty good, tender chewy. Seniors will love it
2. color is yellowish, but acceptable.
3. flavor, 1 t salt is too much, I'll add 1/2 t next time.
1. I ran out of corn starch, so add some tapioca starch to get the quantity.
2. I tore ping-pong ball sized mixed gluten , then arranged in single layer into the cake tin, to avoid the uneven rising of dough.
粉料過篩, 酵母放於溫水中. 粉料一次全部加入水中, 攪拌均勻後, 撕成桌球般大小再平舖進抹過油的7吋烤盤中.
以保鮮膜封住, 靜置二小時後.
切開後, 秀出來的是烤麩特有的可愛的海棉組織, 將在後續的烹調中吸取湯汁的精華.